When querying from the DB you have to use some complicated SQLs to accomplish this.
Note: The t_crs is a ref cursor that is declared any pkg spec of your util package. It is declared like this: type t_crs is ref cursor;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION <<<YOUR_QC_SCHEME>>>.GetTestCasePath ( p_db_name VARCHAR2, p_test_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS PATH VARCHAR2 (500); sqlStr VARCHAR2 (9999); tc <<<YOUR_QC_SCHEME>>>.kpi_pkg.t_crs; BEGIN PATH := ''; sqlStr := 'SELECT listagg (al_description, ''\'') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY aa.aaa DESC) PATH FROM ( SELECT al_item_id, LEVEL aaa, al_description FROM ' || p_db_name || '.ALL_LISTS START WITH al_item_id = (select ts_subject from ' || p_db_name || '.TEST where ts_test_id=' || p_test_id || ') CONNECT BY PRIOR al_father_id = al_item_id) aa'; OPEN tc FOR sqlStr; LOOP EXIT WHEN tc%NOTFOUND; FETCH tc INTO PATH; END LOOP; CLOSE tc; RETURN PATH; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise RAISE; END GetTestCasePath;
For the testcase above getting path is something like this:
And the output will be like this:
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